
 Letter to To His Holiness, Kirill, Patriarch of Moscow and all Russia

(March 8 2023)

To His Holiness, Kirill, Patriarch of Moscow and all Russia

(Please allow me to communicate with you in English)

Your Holiness,

May God bless you.
I have a request for you to help curb the escalation of the war in Ukraine.

I am asking you to guide those who, in times of war and other difficulties, tend to think only of themselves and fail to consider others' happiness. I also ask you to lead such people to repent ([שׁוּב] [μετανοέω]) and to make both themselves and others happy from now on. I believe you can do this.

You can enlighten people's hearts with your divine teachings. Even if we couldn't make ourselves and others happy in the past, if we can be saved by changing how we act now and in the future, by turning our hearts to God, etc., then please go and tell people about it. I believe this will create a better chance for world peace.

I do not know how difficult it is for you under current circumstances, but I pray that you will be the salt of the earth and the light of the world.

Thank you for reading through to the end.

Sincerely yours,
Takeo Omae, a Japanese peace activist