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For a Better World.(Let’s avoid generating criminals)

As setting of the official interest rate of central banks eventually determine the (un)employment rate, I strongly suspect that some policies indirectly determine the crime rate. I also strongly suspect that some policies must be accompanying the invisible force that I believe to exist and affects people’s mind, emotion, soul and heart.
So I invoke the better policies for a better world.

The official interest rate of central banks eventually determine the (un)employment rate. Although the interest rate does not directly effect the (un)employment rate, the fallout of the monetary policy effect the social conditions.

As such and therefore, I strongly suspect that some policies indirectly determine the crime rate. In other words, as policies are set goals, I suspect that criminal rate is also a set and an attained goal. Some of the statistical data must be, not a mere result but set-and-attained goals.

The crime rate must be set, to generate “tensions”, in line of the saying “Aseptic society will perish” and “avoid perishing”, that is, to maintain and improve the society. The “tensions” here means any kind of social unrest.

As an example, by experiencing the criminal incidents firsthand, the society will gain the response capabilities against other and similar criminal incidents. Furthermore, by the on-the-job training, the police are maintaining and improving their capability.
Thus, the society has been maintained and improved, just as a body gain the “immune strength”.

However, we cannot totally approve the present way of maintaining and improving.
To know the reason, let’s take a closer look at what ”policies determine the crime rate” really mean, stepping into the dark.
That means the social policies indirectly make some people become criminals. Then when we become criminals? For example, let’s think about schools. Generally speaking, as one of the social policies, modern public schools have been built and have contributed to make a stable society. But in the dark side, I strongly suspect they have indirectly generated the future criminals by forcibly tearing apart the heart of some students horribly enough to fall into the (so called) “evils”, affecting them not only by the set school days, but also by the school days devastated behind the scenes by the invisible force that I believe to exist. The reason to generate criminals is to generate “tensions” in society.

However, without the tensions and the victims (victims are people who are fallen into the (so called “”evils”)), we might fall into the terrible society as a whole.

So I invoke the better policies for a better world. We must not give up the better world, saying that the status quo is the best and we don’t have any other choices. Since when we watch or feel the sufferings of the victims generated by some of social policies whether their effects have been direct, subsidiary or indirect (fallout), we definitely cannot say such policies are the best.
No more victims. No more breaking hearts. Much more love, healing and happiness for all.
For a better world now and forever.