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What does "The Whole Universe is Infinite, Eternal and Transcends Time " mean?

[Star fairy]「☆」
I would like to tell you this

1.The whole universe is infinite, eternal and transcends time.
2.Therefore, we should seek happiness.

〇 Oh, is this true?

<White board>
☆ Everything (The whole universe) = "entity"+ "nil (void)"= infinite.

☆This is the most important point. Let me explain about "infinity" first.

〇Oh, please.


☆ If you categorize a territory at any extent, or travel the universe toward its end, the beyond inevitably exists, right?

〇 The beyond always exists.., I understand that's why it is infinite.


〇 However, what if the beyond is void?

☆ The "void" is "the nil".

But, like a vacuum, it is a kind of existence as "the air" exists having a name.

〇 It is a little hard to understand.


☆ Suppose our universe is encircled by "nil (void)," then the whole universe includes "nil (void)."


Everything ="entity" + "nil (void)" = infinite.

〇 I understand.

☆ One more step, it's eternal because infinite.

〇 Is it eternal? There are a beginning and an end of the universe, aren't there?

☆ The beginning means there is "absolutely" nothing before it and the end also means there is "absolutely" nothing after it, right?

〇 Yes.

☆Even if it seems almost disappeared, it is still an existence named "the nil(void),"
☆Isn't it that the whole universe cannot be entirely disappeared because it includes "nil (void)", and the expanse is infinite?

〇You made clear that it cannot be entirely disappeared. But how come it means eternity?

☆ Let's get back a little.
<White board>
The beginning = absolutely nothing before it
The end = absolutely nothing after it

☆ Right?

☆ However, "Everything (the whole universe)" keeps on existing because it cannot be entirely disappeared, that is,
Absolute nil

=keeps on existing
=cannot be entirely disappeared
=no beginning nor an end

〇 I could understand so far, but you were saying about happiness or something?
☆ It’s great you remember that.

Yes, you are likely to be confused on what is right or wrong, before the infinity and eternity, aren't you?

☆That's a mystery.

However, we can share the happiness, so let's make the whole universe happy!

This is our message.


1.The whole universe is infinite, eternal and transcends time.
2.Therefore, we should seek happiness.

Everything (the whole universe) = “entity" + "nil(void)" = infinite

☆Let's make the whole universe happy!

〇 Okay!