
 The Whole Universe Is Infinite, Eternal And Transcends Time
(Last updated in June 8 2023)


In this article, I will try to prove the following truth: “the whole universe” (the whole world) is infinite, eternal, and transcends time.
I think this world view could be the basis for universal happiness for everyone in “the whole universe", if each of us do not stick to our own standpoints. The word “whole”implies ”holiness.” I feel a mystery in the nature of the existence of “the whole universe.”


This article presents the following truth: “the whole universe” (the whole world) is infinite, eternal, and transcends time.
The Big Bang would have happened in some part of “the whole universe.”
To prove the truth, I apply logical thinking and Descartes’s quote, "I think, therefore I am."
The main conclusions are as follows:
"The whole world" substantially equals "the whole universe" or "self and everything else."
"The whole world" ever lasts because it will neither become "absolute nil" nor vanish.
"The whole world" has neither a beginning nor an end, thus it transcends time.
It is eternal.
The truth I present may also suggest that we should spread happiness when we wish for peace.
That is because it is the universal value as we all share the same life.
We should achieve Joyous Coexistence in our ordinary life.
The word “whole”implies ”holiness.” I feel a mystery in the nature of the existence of “the whole universe.”

Section Ⅰ

"The whole world" equates to "the whole universe" or "self and everything else", which is infinite, existent and everlasting.
Firstly, that is because there is always the beyond in the universe so that it is infinite⑴.
Secondly, this is because the reality of existence of "self and everything else" can be proven by Descartes’s quotes "I think, therefore I am.”⑵⑶.
Thirdly, this is because "the whole world" will never vanish so that it everlasts.
Since there is no "absolute nil" and even if “the whole universe” would be changed into so-called "nil", I regard it as still existing (I consider so-called "nil" is a kind of existence) ⑷.
Thus, "the whole world" is infinite, really existing and everlasting.

⑴ If you travel the universe on a spaceship, there is no border.
This is because the beyond inevitably exists.
Even if the universe is surrounded by "nil", I argue the nil is also the beyond. ("the whole world" includes "the beyond")
⑵ The fact that "If a subject does not exist, it cannot think" proves the existence of self and territory where the self must exist at or within (let B stand for the territory hereafter).
It also proves the existence of territory other than B.
⑶ When one assumes B, one defines a territory other than B at the same time (Refer to Set in mathematics).
⑷ Premise: ①If a thing is perceived correctly and given a proper name, I regard it as existing (As we give "nil" the name).
This is somewhat contradictory, the limit of my word power as of now. ② "Absolute nil" is a word error, that does not make sense.

Section Ⅱ

"The whole world" (the whole universe) is eternal, because it has neither a beginning nor an end, and it transcends time.
Firstly, this is because "the whole world" is everlasting.
This fact seems to contradict "The Finite Universe Theory"--- the theory that insists there are limits to time and the universe and denies its eternity.
In the theory, a beginning means that there is nothing before it, and an end means that there is nothing after that.
However, "the whole world" always exists, and it means that it is everlasting. Therefore it is eternal. (5)
Secondly, this is because, to everlast means to transcend time.
It is because, although time is the difference between moment and moment, or a continuation of the moment, to everlast also means to consistently and continuously exist at any moment of time. (6)
Thus, "the whole world" is eternal.

(5) From our subjective experience, we are aware that most things have beginnings and ends.
However, even if this is mostly true, it is not the absolute truth every single time.
We should also be aware of the fact that there is neither a beginning nor an end in the existence of "the whole world."
(6) I consider that time is the difference between moment and moment, or a continuation of the moment.
I disregard its sequence.
We feel time is chronological from our daily experience, but I do not believe this is always true.
This is because, if time is like a computer program, it could be possible for us to transcend time.

Section Ⅲ

In conclusion, as I mentioned above, "the whole world" is infinite, eternal, and transcends time, therefore, we should spread "happiness" which could be the best value in “the whole universe” without sticking to specific ideologies like ethnicities, religions, thoughts and nations. Most of those must include so many valuable concepts and should be highly respected. The examples are words of Jesus, like "love your enemy" and "love one another.” (Jesus is the mutual holy one among Christians, Jews and Muslims)

The value of happiness is universal because we all are part of the same life. We should achieve Joyous Coexistence in our ordinary life.
The word “whole”implies ”holiness.” I feel a mystery in the nature of the existence of “the whole universe.”


Supplementing articles

1."The whole world" and the Big Bang Theory

2. Something Great and the Program of the Universe

1."The whole world" and the Big Bang Theory

In current cosmological theory, the singular point, and singular region of the Big Bang is said to be the beginning of the universe.
On first impression, this cosmological principle seems inconsistent with the fact: "There is neither a beginning nor an end in the existence of "the whole world."
However, it does not contradict itself if we consider the following: If it is the truth that Big Bang is the beginning of a part of "the whole world", there will be no contradiction between my opinion and the Big Bang theory.
Going back from the present to the past, it is said that the singular region of the Big Bang is the place where time and space were created, but I think that it is only the beginning of a part of "the whole universe” that exists forever.
That is because that the idea of a singular point and a singular region is supposing the "nil" around it and "the whole world" I am talking about also includes the "nil."
Infinite and everlasting "the whole world" has neither a beginning nor an end.
I think that the big bang has taken place in part of it, and the part of time and space has started in it.

2. Something Great and the Program of the Universe

Something Great may have written the program of the universe.
If so, we can say it (the creation) might be imperfect.
Let us take it more positively however.
The program must be running almost perfectly in the whole universe, and some tragedies in our life have occurred by some minor errors in the vast program and they can be modified.
By the way, in the program, we can go beyond, stop, go back through, go forward through, copy, delete, make fast, and delay the time.
Then suppose Something Great has written the program of the universe?
In that case, we probably go beyond the time in the universe.

Supplementary Explanation

A phenomenon that space arises from nowhere might be like one that would happen when someone just started to run a computer game program in which there is space (world).