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Latest Update on
December 7, 2024
The expanse of the whole world is infinite. It exists eternally and transcends time.
→The Whole Universe
The animation of the thesis "The Whole Universe is Infinite,
Eternal, and Transcends Time."
For the script, please click
In the reality, let's make the whole world much closer to the Eternal Happiness, the ultimate peace.
Let's show the earth to the whole world as one of the good example.
Dialogue with the Finite Theory of the Universe, etc
World Goal: "Happiness to Everyone" (December 7, 2024)
Dear Ones Amidst Conflict: Let's Seek Alternatives
Dialogue with Opinions Against Population
Control, etc. (2023.8.14)
Toward a Sustainable World Population
Coexistence of Libertarianism and Everyone's Happiness (2022.9.12)
Two Angels Who Will Save People from Hell: "Basic Income" and "Helicopter
What do you say to my plan, "Save All Now and Forever"?(2020.06.03)
My vision for Eternal Happiness as of 2018

My novel "Eternal happiness" is available now.
You can reach it at
MS Word File
MS Word File
Happy Society
Today, a child is dying of hunger every 5 seconds.
Contact me!
Two heads are better than one. So Join me to make the world much closer to the ultimate peace "Eternal Happiness".
I am able to come up with the ideas and opinions such as "Joyous Coexistence" or "Eternal Happiness", etc., as listed below.
Let's think about the peace and realize it together!
for contact, click here
This site is produced for Joyous Coexistence and Eternal Happiness. Contents are essays, short reportages, links and other things ralated to peace. This web site
is located in Japan.
Here is About Myself and Peace
For comments, suggestions, opinions,
click here
Created by Takeo Omae, peace seeker